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With Guns Survival Can Be Assured

By Jeff Strickland

Every discussion of guns have many different interpretations about how they should go. Some people will want to talk about collections they know of. Others will want to discuss the souvenirs they took off of the battlefield in the service. Many of them will want to talk about their prowess at the last competition or provide trash talk about the next one.

Some peoples minds turn to the gun control that is always being talked about. These are the ones that follow the political winds and pick up guns just before they are banned from purchase in the various states. They are also quite good at modifying the weapons they have so that the current statist attempt at controlling all owners of these Second amendment right guaranteed pieces escapes notice.

Information about the imminent survival needs of each member will be part of this discussion. One or more guns and what form they should take will be the most contentious issue. The final word, agreed to by all, will be that the preferences of everyone are to be respected and all bug out bags will have what is needed for survival if and when it comes to that.

Those who are or were in the military will talk about one of their favorite subjects. That will be the M161a and the AK 47 that is a civilian model yet is the same gas operated, air cooled rifle that has the power it needs in most situations. These are easy to break down, easy to adjust and just as easy to put back together with your eyes shut.

Some of those same military people will swear by the 45 they probably had on their hips. Equally as easy to break down and with a punch that everyone knows means business. This is a relatively heavy piece but will hold its own in any encounter. It can be hidden under a coat and will work with survivalists as well.

Something to be included in all home arsenals will be a . 22 rifle and or handgun. This size of bullet and normal loads will make for a formidable force. It can be used for small animals for food and defense in close quarters. These are usually smaller guns and do not take a lot of space.

In June of 2013, a poll was conducted. The top 88 percent of the vote getting ones were some that many aficionados were not surprised at. The Glock was at the top followed by the Rugers, Springfields, Taurus' and the S and Ws. These popular ones have all of the popular calibers and stand up well to whatever is waiting for you out there.

There are more expensive weapons as well. Many people buy them simply because they are a significant piece of engineering and can use them for bragging rights. These will include the Mossbergs, the Barrett 50 BMG and others with all of the parts, magazines and scopes needed to fully appreciate their functionality.

No matter where you stand on what weapons to have or how many, there is one that everyone wants to have. It is the one that makes the sound everyone knows and everyone is afraid of if they are in the wrong. That is the sound of a pump action shotgun and there is no mistaking the purpose for that sound.

Having all of those discussions about what and when and how many will help the newbie get a grip on the world of gun ownership. If they need guns simply for hitting the target or for competition or defending their home, there are a few that can be recommended. Whether they are in the process of buying the best for one particular thing or filling out some list they found, all of these discussions will be educational.

Getting hold of a good Federal Firearms Licensed dealer will help you understand the laws concerning the acquisition of guns and related gear. Talking with some survivalists will help you gain knowledge about all of the rest of the world of gun ownership. Learning about your second amendment rights will fill in all of the empty gaps in that knowledge and open a world of experience and self defense.

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